A ringing workshop for Level 2 ringers.
April 26, 2025 8:45AM to 3:00PM
American Lutheran Church
915 Winifred Street
Worthington, Minnesota
Clinician: Jennifer Cadwell
$20 per person. Price includes free lunch provided by the Church and one free music score.
Complete and send in the registration form and fee by March 31, 2025.
If you come as a group, please bring your own bells and foam. Tables will be provided.
Indicate on the registration form if you have any open positions that you would welcome individual ringers to join your group for the day.
If you wish to come as an individual, return your registration form as early as possible so you can be placed in an open ringing position of another group attending.
Purchase these three pieces for all those attending, and work on them prior to the workshop.
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms – Ron Mallory L2+ 3-5 octaves HP3018
Let All Things Now Living – Jason Krug L2 (3-5 octaves CGB1347) or (2-3 oct CGB1346)
Quiescence (Be Still) – Michael Mazzatenta L2 3-5 octaves LC202026L
You will receive one more score FREE upon arrival, and it will be worked on at the event.
This piece will feature a variety of ringing techniques.