Ona Pinsonneault, D.M.A. in Clarinet from the University of Minnesota, has taught Clarinet, Music Theory and Ear Training at Normandale Community College in Bloomington, MN for 40 years. She has performed with local Twin Cities orchestras and small ensembles and has served as adjudicator for a variety of woodwind contests in the Twin Cities.

Session 39 | Why Cb? |
Session 38 | The Duplet |
Session 37 | Asymmetrical Meters with Quarter Triplets |
Session 36 | Triplets in Simple Meters |
Session 34 | Compound Meters: Use your Metronome |
Session 32 | Division of the Beat: Use Your Metronome |
Session 30 | Every Rehearsal is a Performance: Harmony |
Session 29 | Every Rehearsal is a Performance: Melody |
Session 28 | Every Rehearsal is a Performance: Expression |
Session 27 | For Harmonic and Melodic Reasons: The Minor Scale |
Session 26 | For Harmonic Reasons: Secondary Leading Tone 7th |
Session 25 | For Harmonic Reasons: More Secondary Dominants |
Session 24 | For Harmonic Reasons: Secondary Dominant |
Session 23 | Harmonic Progression around the Circle of Fifths |
Session 21 | Harmony 2- “Tonic, Dominant and Subdominant” |
Session 20 | Harmony 1- “Major and Minor Tonics” |
Session 19 | The Overtone Series-4 “Overtones: What do They Mean for Me?” |
Session 18 | The Overtone Series-3 “Overtones in Handbells” |
Session 17 | The Overtone Series-2 “Advice from Douglas E. Wagner” |
Session 16 | The Overtone Series-1 |
Session 15 | The Year of the Interval: Unisons, Octaves and Inversion |
Session 14 | The Year of the Interval: FOURTHS & FIFTHS |
Session 13 | The Year of the Interval: THIRDS |
Session 12 | The Year of the Interval: SECONDS |
Session 11 | What Harmony? A Contest Lurks! |
Session 10 | Where’s the Melody? |
Session 9 | The Quarter Triplet in Simple Meter |
Session 8 | The Key Signature: What Good is it for Me? |
Session 7 | The Changing Meter Signature |
Session 6 | The Modes |
Session 5 | Reading Music with Chord Symbols |
Session 4 | The Modes/Irregular Meter |
Session 3 | The Major and Minor Scales/Why Do Composers Sometimes Pick the Meters They Do? |
Session 2 | Why Does Music Sound the Way it Does? |
Session 1 | Music Theory |